

Culture and isolation of bacteria
Abstract: Bacterial culture is to inoculate bacteria into the medium, and in the appropriate environment, so that bacteria grow and reproduce.
Isolation and culture refers to the cultivation of bacteria from specimens or the simultaneous cultivation of bacteria from a mixture of bacteria.
I. Basic Conditions: bacteria laboratory; aseptic laboratory; basic equipment and apparatus; bacteriological laboratory.
The work of specimen inoculation, culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitivity test should be completed here.
1. bacteriology room must install tight doors and windows to prevent indoor environment from being polluted by outside. In addition, the fan is forbidden in the room to avoid the spread of bacteria.
2. Bacteria room must be equipped with ultraviolet lamp for air disinfection, placed on the operation table above the lm, 20 minutes a day before starting work. The disinfection effect should be checked regularly, and the invalid lamp tube should be replaced in time.
3. disinfectants should be provided in the room for timely disinfection during spillage of bacteria. At the same time, there should be a water bath, soap and water for disinfectant.
4. the indoor operating platform must be scrubbed daily with disinfectant. The floor should be scrubbed l times with disinfectant for at least one week.
5. the received specimens, aseptic appliances, used articles and so on should be clearly separated and placed in the designated position. At the same time, we must sterilize the used articles in time.
6. the bacteriology room installed air conditioners according to the local air temperature characteristics, so as to be suitable for bacteriological experiment work. At the same time, the necessary fire-fighting equipment should be set up in the room.
Aseptic laboratory is a sterile room used in bacteriological laboratory, and its interior decoration and disinfection requirements are stricter.
1. asepsis room should be completely closed. There should be two doors in which the buffer zone should be separated.
2. 30min should be sterilized by ultraviolet light before being fumigated with lactic acid or formaldehyde regularly and thoroughly sterilized.
3. In the sterile room, the sterile medium and the inoculation of infectious bacteria are generally limited, and the isolation of bacterial specimens and other operations are not carried out.
4. the aseptic room should be limited to the operator, and enter the asepsis room with the isolation clothes and special shoes, wear a mask when operating, and keep the aseptic state of the room at any time.
5. in limited laboratory, ultra clean workbench can be used instead of aseptic Laboratory for corresponding operation. The ultra clean workbench should choose vertical airflow ventilation mode.
6. asepsis room should be equipped with air conditioning equipment to ensure that it does not affect the work due to room temperature.
(three) basic equipment and appliances: temperature box, C02 incubator, anaerobic culture equipment; microscope; high pressure steam sterilizer, dry oven; refrigerator and refrigerator; inoculation equipment, including inoculation ring and inoculation needle; pH meter; flame lamp or alcohol lamp; plate, test tube, pipe, etc., and centrifuge, balance and so on.
Two, the technique of inoculation and isolation of bacteria
Choose a suitable medium, according to the source of the specimen to be examined, the purpose of culture and the characteristics of the medium used, using different methods of grafting.
Plate streak separation method: continuous line separation method, mainly used for not many specimens. The zoning method is suitable for the specimens with high quantity of bacteria.
The method of oblique inoculation is used for pure culture of single colonies, preservation of bacteria or observation of certain characteristics of bacteria.
The liquid inoculation method (avoiding aerosol generation) is used for the inoculation of some liquid biochemical test tubes.
The inoculation method is mainly used for inoculation of semisolid medium, gelatin and disaccharide tube.
This method is often used to determine the number of bacteria in milk, drinking water and urine.
The coating inoculation method is commonly used for the determination of drug sensitivity by paper method, and can also be used for counting bacteria in the specimens examined.
Three. Methods of bacterial culture: aerobic culture; carbon dioxide culture; anaerobic culture.
(1) aerobic culture: the most commonly used culture method in clinical bacteriology room is suitable for the cultivation of general aerobic and facultative anaerobe.
It was incubated for 18 ~ 24h at 35 centigrade temperature box.
(two) carbon dioxide culture: when some bacteria first isolated and cultured, they must be placed in a 5% to l0%C02 environment to grow well.
1. carbon dioxide incubator: it is a special incubator, which not only regulates the content of CO2, but also adjusts the required temperature. CO2 comes into the incubator from the CO2 transport tube through the incubator and regulates the required CO2 concentration automatic controller. The inoculated medium is directly put into the incubator to be cultured. Suitable for large laboratory applications.
2. candle barrel method: put the inoculated medium into the dryer and put the lighted candle. The edge of the dryer cover is coated with Vaseline, covered with cover, and the candlelight is extinguished by itself after a few minutes. At this time, the CO2 content in the dryer is about 5% ~ 10%, and then the dryer is put into the temperature box of 35 C. The incubation time is generally 18 to 24h, and a few strains need to grow 3 to 7d or longer.
3. chemical method: add the ratio of sodium bicarbonate 0.4g and concentrated hydrochloric acid 0.35ml to the container according to the volume of each litre.
(three) anaerobic culture
It is suitable for the cultivation of obligate anaerobe and facultative anaerobe.
The commonly used anaerobic culture methods are:
(1) blister culture medium; (2) pyrogallol method; (3) anaerobic tank method; (4) air bag method; and anaerobic glove box method.
Four. Growth of bacteria: growth of bacteria on solid medium; growth of bacteria in liquid medium; growth of bacteria in semisolid medium; growth of bacteria on solid medium.
1. observe colony; 2. blood agar hemolysis; 3. odour; 4. pigment.
Colony characteristics include size, shape, protuberance, edge, color, surface, diaphaneity and viscosity.
According to the different surface characteristics of bacterial colonies, the colonies can be divided into three types:
Smooth type (S) colonies; rough (type R) colonies; mucoid (type M) colonies.
Hemolysis on 2. blood agar:
Alpha hemolysis: also called grass green hemolysis, the blood culture medium around the colony becomes green ring.
Beta hemolysis: also known as complete hemolysis, forming a completely clear and transparent ring around the colony.
Gamma hemolysis: that is, no hemolysis, no change in the medium around the colony, and no dissolution or no defect in the red blood cells.
Double ring: upper layer hemolytic ring, inner layer is beta hemolysis, outer layer is alpha hemolysis. Such as Clostridium perfringens.
3. odour: the odor produced by certain bacteria on the plate culture medium helps to identify bacteria.
Such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), proteus (chocolate burning smell), anaerobic Clostridium (odour odor of corruption), actinomycetes (soil flavor) and so on.
(two) growth of bacteria in liquid medium
Turbid growth: most bacteria.
Precipitation growth: a few chained bacteria, such as Streptococcus and Bacillus anthracis.
Membrane growth (surface growth): obligate aerobic bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
(three) growth of bacteria in semisolid medium
The semisolid medium is used to observe the dynamics of bacteria.
In addition to the growth of flagellated bacteria on the puncture line, there are feathery or cloudy growth on both sides of the puncture line, which is dynamic positive.
Flagellate bacteria only grow along the puncture line in a clear linear manner, which is negative for the dynamic test.
Five. The examination of bacterial type L: morphological polymorphism, dyed uncertainty, filtration, osmotic sensitivity, attenuation of biochemical reaction and resistance to beta lactam and other action cell wall antibiotics.
1. specimen collection
We should try to collect specimens of tissues or body fluids that are not contaminated by heterozygous bacteria.
The samples of pleural effusion, ascites and urine should be treated with 20% sucrose aseptic solution to maintain hyperosmotic, and the blood samples should be inoculated with hyperosmotic broth to increase bacterial culture.
2. culture method --
(1) type L inspection procedure:
The specimens were inoculated with hypertonic meat soup for 1~7 days, then transferred to L plate and blood plate for 37 days for 2~7 days.
Typical colonies are "pooled egg" like, but the newly isolated L-type colonies from patients'specimens are often atypical, mostly granular and polymorphic.
(2) inspection report:
1. Aseptic growth of blood plate, colony growth of type L plates, bacterial L type can be reported.
2. In the blood plate, the colony is small and it is not easy to scrape down. Smears showed that the bacteria were polymorphic and cell wall defective, and L type colonies were found in the L type plates. L type was reported.
The growth of bacterial colonies was found in both the blood plate and the L type. There are two morphological characteristics of bacteria and L-forms on the smears, which can report the coexistence of bacteria and L-forms, and make drug susceptibility tests for clinical reference.