The use of dehydrated medium and other ingredients containing harmful substances (bile salts or other alternatives) shall be subject to good laboratory specifications and instructions provided by the manufacturer. Such as quality/volume, pH, preparation conditions, sterilization conditions and operation steps, etc., and keep records.
The preparation medium USES distilled water or the same quality of water to eliminate or influence microbial growth under test conditions. If the distilled water is prepared by chlorine disinfection, the chlorine should be neutralized before distillation (see GB/T6682). Containers of distilled water are best made from neutral materials (such as neutral glass, polyethylene, etc.). Make sure the container does not contain any inhibiting factors prior to initial use.
To ensure the quality of distilled water, resistivity should be at least 300000 Ω cm.
Warning: ionized water produced by ion exchangers (deionized) is high in microbial content. This water may still contain the inhibitory factor of bacterial growth after filtration and sterilization. Therefore, it is best not to use this method to produce deionized water when the medium is used, and distilled water should be used.
Weigh and rehydrate.
Weighing the dehydrated medium (note that slow operation, wearing masks or in ventilation cabinet operation when necessary, to prevent inhalation of toxic medium powder), add a small amount of water first, mix (avoid medium agglomeration), then add to the amount required.
After adding water to the dehydrated medium, heat it properly and do not stop stirring to dissolve it quickly. When necessary, redissolve it. AGAR AGAR medium should be soaked for a few minutes before heating. The culture medium prepared by each component should be added to the appropriate amount of water and dissolved, and then added to the desired amount.
Determination and adjustment of pH value.
PH meter is used to measure pH and adjust when necessary. Culture medium preparation from individual components in the lab, except where noted, culture medium after sterilization cooling to 25 ℃, the pH change should not be more than 0.2 units. The pH of the medium with a concentration of approximately 40g/L (about 1mol/L) or concentration of 36.5g/L (about 1mol/L) of hydrochloric acid solution was used.
Note: the pH value may vary greatly after the commercialized medium high pressure sterilization, but the pH value should not be adjusted before sterilization with high quality distilled water or deionized water distribution.
Partial shipments
The prepared medium is divided into suitable containers, and the volume of the container can be 1, 2, or 3 times that of the medium according to different USES.
The medium and reagent should be sterilized or sterilized by wet heat. A specific medium, such as a bright green medium, contains substances that are sensitive to light and heat, and can only be boiled and sterilized. After boiling, it should be cooled quickly to avoid light preservation (see related standards or supplier instructions).