




實驗室微生物的培養(yǎng) 圖
  10,保存:應(yīng)存放于冷暗處,最好能放于普通冰箱內(nèi)。放置時間不宜超過一周,傾注的平板不宜超過3天。每批培養(yǎng)基均必須附有該批制備記錄副頁或明顯標(biāo)簽。RISHUI peiyangji images

Cleaning of glassware
In the process of preparing the medium, some glassware such as test tube, triangle bottle, Petri dish, beaker and straw should be used first. These containers should be cleaned and cleaned according to different situations before they are used. Some have to be packed and sterilized before they can be used.
1, newly purchased glassware.
After removing the contaminated dirt from the package, wash it with hot soap water, rinse it with running water, then soak it in 1-2% industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours to remove the free alkaline substance, and then rinse it with running water. For large capacity containers, such as large flasks, measuring barrels, etc., after washing, a little concentrated hydrochloric acid is injected into the container, turning the container so that its internal surface is stained with hydrochloric acid, a few minutes later to pour out hydrochloric acid, then rinse with running water, pour it on the washing rack and dry the water.
2, used glassware
If there is no pathogenic bacteria or contaminated utensils, they can be washed at any time after use. The straws that have absorbed chemical reagents can be immersed in clear water, and then washed in a certain amount. Containers that may be contaminated by pathogens must be properly disinfected, dirt removed, soaped and rinsed with running water. If you can't wash the soap with liquid soap, wash it with suitable lotion and wash it with clean water. The main components of the lotion are potassium dichromate and concentrated acid, which oxidize organic matter into soluble substances for washing. The lotion has a strong corrosive effect and should be used with special care to avoid splashing on clothes, bodies and other items.
Second, any nutrient substrate prepared in the laboratory for microbial growth, reproduction or accumulation of metabolites is called a media.
 Due to the different nutritional requirements of various microorganisms, different culture purposes and detection needs, according to a certain standard, can be divided into several types.
1, distinguish whether the chemical composition of the constituent substance is completely understood.
Natural medium refers to the ingredients of various plants, animals and microorganisms, and its components are hard to know. The main raw materials are: beef paste, wort, peptone, yeast extract, corn flour, bran, all kinds of cake powder, potato, milk, serum and so on. Although the chemical composition of these substances can not be accurately known, but generally speaking, nutrition is relatively rich, microorganisms grow vigorously, and a wide range of sources, easy preparation, so more commonly used, especially suitable for the preparation of laboratory commonly used medium. The stability of such products is often affected by factors such as factories or batch numbers.
The synthetic medium is a kind of peiyangji with well-known chemical constituents and quantities. It is prepared from chemicals with known chemical constituents. These products are chemically accurate, repeatable, but expensive, and microorganisms grow slowly, so they are only suitable for doing scientific research, such as nutrition and metabolism.
C. Adding one or more natural ingredients to the synthetic medium, or adding one or more known chemicals to the natural medium to form a semi-synthetic medium. This kind of product is the most widely used in production practice and laboratory.
Culture map of laboratory microorganism
2, distinguish according to physical state.
A. The liquid medium is made up of liquid, which is basically soluble in water, without obvious solids, nutrient distribution is uniform, easy to control the growth and metabolism of microorganisms.
B. added a suitable amount of coagulant in the liquid to form a solid medium. Agar, gelatin and silica gel are commonly used as coagulants. Agar is the most commonly used material. In the laboratory, it is used for microbial isolation, identification, detection of miscellaneous bacteria, counting, preservation, biological determination and so on.
C. If a small amount of coagulant is added to the liquid, a semisolid medium will be made. Take agar as an example. Its dosage ranges from 0.2 to 1%. Sometimes it can be used to observe the power of microorganisms, and sometimes to preserve bacteria.
3, according to the purpose, we should distinguish:
A. Some substances were added to the medium to kill or inhibit the growth of unnecessary bacteria, such as streptomycin and chloramphenicol, which inhibited the growth of prokaryotic microorganisms; nystatin and griseofulvin could inhibit the growth of eukaryotic microorganisms; crystal violet could inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria, etc.
B. In order to isolate the microorganisms we need, some nutrients which some microorganisms particularly like are added to the ordinary medium to increase the propagation rate of this microorganism and gradually eliminate other microorganisms. This is called the proliferation medium, which is often used in the selection and enrichment of strains.
C. Adding a reagent or chemical to the medium makes the indistinguishable microorganisms show distinct differences after culture, thus facilitating the rapid identification of certain microorganisms. This is called discriminating medium. Eosin methylene blue, for example, is commonly used to detect intestinal pathogens in drinking water and dairy products.
Some have the dual functions of selection and identification. For example, Makanke culture medium, commonly used in food inspection, is an example. It contains bile salts, lactose and neutral red. Bile salts selectively inhibit bacteria other than intestinal bacteria, and lactose and neutral red indicators help distinguish between lactose-fermenting intestinal bacteria such as Escherichia coli and intestinal pathogens such as Salmonella and Shigella that do not ferment lactose.
Three, the basic methods and matters needing attention in the preparation of culture medium.
1, the selection of recipes: there is always some difference between the same formula in different works. Therefore, in addition to the standard method, should be strictly compounded in accordance with its provisions, should generally try to collect relevant information, to compare and check, and then according to their own use purposes, to select and record its source.
2. Preparation records: Each preparation should have a record, including the name, formula and source, and various components of the brand, the final pH value, disinfection temperature and time preparation date and the preparator, the record should be duplicated, the original record kept for reference, duplicated records stored with the system in order to prevent confusion.
3. Components: All components must be accurately weighed and attention should be paid to prevent confusion, it is best to complete one time, do not interrupt. The recipe can be placed on the side, after each ingredient is weighed, that is, the recipe army makes a mark, and the required medicines are taken one at a time, placed on the left, after each weighing is completed, that is, moved to the right. After the completion of the test, a check should also be made.
4, the mixing and dissolving of each component: the chemicals used in the culture medium should be chemically pure. The cooking pot used should not be copper or iron pot, in case there is a trace of copper or iron mixed into it, so that bacteria do not grow easily. It is best to melt in a stainless steel pan. It can be boiled and melted in a large beaker or flask in a high-pressure steam sterilizer or a flowing steam sterilizer. When melting in a pot, the medium can be heated with warm water and disturbed at any time to prevent coking. If coking is found, the medium can not be used and should be reproduced. After most of the solid components are melted, use less firepower to dissolve all the components until boiling. If it is dissolved for agar, dissolve some other components with another part of water, and then mix the two solution together. In the process of heating and melting, the water lost by evaporation must be supplemented finally.
5. Preliminary adjustment of ph: in the process of heating and disinfection, the pH will change. After the components of the medium are completely dissolved, the initial adjustment of pH should be carried out. For example, beef extract can reduce ph0.2 and intestinal extract pH will increase significantly. Therefore, for this step, the operator should always pay attention to exploring experience, in order to master the final pH to ensure quality. After adjustment, pH should be boiled for several minutes to facilitate the precipitation of precipitates.
6, filtration: agar medium should be transparent without significant precipitation, therefore, it is necessary to use filtration or other clarification methods to achieve this requirement. The filter paper should be folded into folding fan or funnel shape to avoid the filter paper breaking because of the non-uniform hydraulic pressure.
It can be filtered with clean white flannelette. It can also be filtered by double-layer gauze sandwiched with thin absorbent cotton sandwiched in the middle. When fresh meat, liver, blood and potatoes are soaked, the crumbs must be filtered out with flannel, and then filtered repeatedly with filter paper. If the filtration method fails to meet the clarification requirements, the egg white clarification method must be used. The medium will be cooled to 55 to 60 degrees Celsius into a large triangular flask, not more than 1/2 of the flask capacity, every 1000 ml to add 1 to 2 eggs of protein, strong shake 3 to 5 minutes, placed in a high-pressure steam sterilizer, 121 degrees Celsius heated for 20 minutes, take out while hot cloth filtration can be.
7, sub packing: according to the purpose and requirements of the use, it will be packed in the appropriate containers such as test tube and flask. The loading capacity should not exceed 2/3 of container loading capacity. The container can be sealed with a cotton plug padded with moisture-proof paper, and the test tube should be wrapped with water-proof paper. It is better to use semi-automatic or electric quantified distributor when loading. When the agar slant is packed separately, the amount of packing should be consistent with the amount of 2/3 bottom and 1/3 slope. The separated containers should be pre cleaned and dry baked for disinfection. Each batch should be separated into 20 ml in a small glass bottle and sterilized simultaneously with the batch for the purpose of determining the final pH of the batch.
8, sterilization of culture medium: generally, it can be sterilized by 121 degree centigrade high pressure steam for 15 minutes. In various preparation methods, if there is no special provision, this method can be used for sterilization.
Some heat-resistant components, such as carbohydrates, should be separately prepared into 20% or higher concentrated solution to be sterilized by filtration or intermittent sterilization, and then added to the medium quantitatively by aseptic operation.
The slopes of agar should be taken out immediately after sterilization. When it is cooled to 55 - 60 degrees Celsius, it should be placed on a proper slope until it solidifies naturally.
9. Quality testing: After each batch is prepared, it should be carefully checked, such as cracking, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton plug quilt products stained, etc., should be picked out and discarded. The final pH was determined. Incubate in incubators at 36 + 1 degrees Celsius for overnight.
Inoculate 1 to 2 tubes or bottles of the standard strains and incubate them for 24 to 48 hours, if they are sterile or do not grow well. The cause should be traced and repeated for one time. If the result is still the same, the batch should be abandoned and cannot be used.
10, preservation: should be stored in cold dark places, preferably in ordinary refrigerators. The placement time should not exceed one week, and the flat plate should not exceed 3 days. Each batch of medium must be attached to the batch preparation record page or obvious label.