




4.無菌(asepsis)及無菌操作(aseptic technique)無菌指不存在活的微生物,為滅菌的結(jié)果。防止微生物進(jìn)入人體或污染物品的操作技術(shù),稱為無菌操作。如在進(jìn)行外科手術(shù)時(shí)需要防止細(xì)菌進(jìn)入創(chuàng)口,微生物學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)操作中要注意防止微生物的污染和感染。
第1節(jié) 物理消毒滅菌法
干熱(dry heat)的殺菌作用是利用火焰,熱空氣及電磁波產(chǎn)熱等方法,使微生物脫水,干燥,細(xì)胞內(nèi)化學(xué)成分氧化和大分子變性而達(dá)到滅菌目的。
1.焚燒和燒灼(incineration and flaming)是1種徹底的滅菌方法。廢棄的物品或有感染性的動物尸體等可以直接點(diǎn)燃或在焚燒爐內(nèi)焚燒。微生物學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)室用的接種環(huán),試管口,瓶口等的滅菌用燒灼方法。
2.干烤(hot air sterilization)利用干烤箱滅菌,一般加熱至160~170℃經(jīng)2h。適用于高溫下不變質(zhì),不損壞,不蒸發(fā)的物品,例如玻璃器皿,瓷器,玻璃注射器等的滅菌。
1.巴氏消毒法(pasteurization)用較低溫度殺滅液體中的病原菌,如結(jié)核分枝桿菌,布魯菌,而仍保持物品中所需的不耐熱成分不被破壞的消毒方法。此法由巴斯德創(chuàng)立。方法是加熱至61.1~62.8℃ 30min或71.7℃加熱15~30s,目前多采用后者。主要用于牛乳的消毒。
2.煮沸法(boiling water)在1個大氣壓下,水的煮沸溫度為100℃,5min可殺死一切細(xì)菌繁殖體,而細(xì)菌的芽胞則需1~2h,對個別細(xì)菌的芽胞則需5h才能殺死。若在水中加2%的碳酸鈉,可提高沸點(diǎn)溫度達(dá)105℃,不僅可縮短煮沸時(shí)間,還可防止金屬器皿生銹。煮沸法可用于餐具,金屬器皿的消毒,時(shí)間至少應(yīng)在10min以上。煮沸法不適合在高海拔地區(qū)使用。
3.流動蒸氣法(free-flowing steam)又稱常壓蒸汽消毒法,在1個大氣壓下,利用水煮沸時(shí)產(chǎn)生的水蒸汽進(jìn)行消毒。細(xì)菌繁殖體經(jīng)100℃15~30min被殺死,但不易殺死芽胞。該法常用的器具是Arnold消毒器,我國的蒸籠具有相同的原理?捎糜谝话阃饪破餍,注射器,食具和一些不耐高熱物品的消毒。
5.間歇蒸氣滅菌法(fractional sterilization)利用反復(fù)多次的流動蒸汽間歇加熱,以達(dá)到滅菌的目的。方法是將需要滅菌的物品放Arnold滅菌器或蒸籠中,經(jīng)100℃15~30min,殺死其中的繁殖體,取出后放37℃孵箱過夜,使殘存的芽胞發(fā)育成繁殖體,次日再蒸1次,如此連續(xù)3次以上,可達(dá)到滅菌的效果。此法適用于一些不耐高熱的含糖,牛奶等培養(yǎng)基。
微生物滅菌圖_日水培養(yǎng)基圖5.高壓蒸氣滅菌法(autoclaving steralization)是1種最有效,最常用的滅菌方法。其原理是用密閉滅菌器使壓力上升至103.4kPa或1.05kg/cm2,水的沸點(diǎn)達(dá)到121.3℃,保持15~20min,即可殺死包括細(xì)菌芽胞在內(nèi)所有微生物。常用于細(xì)菌培養(yǎng)基,玻璃器皿,生理鹽水,手術(shù)敷料等耐高溫,耐濕物品的滅菌。
(1)紫外線(ultraviolet radiation,UV)
(2)電離輻射(ionizing radiation)
1.玻璃濾菌器(glass filter)在玻璃漏斗嵌入玻璃砂篩板制成,分G1-G66個型,G1-G4孔徑大,用于濾清液體,G5和G6用于除菌。G6除菌較G5徹底,但支原體和L型細(xì)菌仍有通過的可能,使用時(shí)應(yīng)予注意。
2.石棉濾菌器(asbestos filter)亦稱Seitz濾菌器。由3部分組成,上部為金屬圓筒,下部為金屬托盤及漏斗,上部的金屬圓筒用以盛裝需要過濾除菌的液體,下部的金屬托盤及漏斗用以接受濾出的液體,上下兩部分中間放石棉濾板,按石棉濾板孔徑大小分為K,EK和EK-S3種。K型濾孔最大,供澄清液體用;EK濾孔較小,供濾過除菌;EK-S濾孔更小,可阻止1部分較大的病毒通過。
3.薄膜濾菌器(membrane filter)是將不同孔徑的硝化纖維素薄膜固定在相應(yīng)濾器的下部。薄膜濾器有不同容量及不同孔徑規(guī)格,其中以微量針頭濾器在實(shí)驗(yàn)室較常用,主要用于小劑量液體的除菌。
4.高效空氣顆粒濾菌器(high efficiency particulate air filter, HEPA filter)為大型濾器,是應(yīng)用空氣壓縮機(jī)產(chǎn)生1定壓力的空氣氣流,通過1定孔徑的濾板以除去空氣中小于0.3μm的顆粒。如醫(yī)院的手術(shù)室,燒傷病房,無菌制劑室及超凈工作臺等的除菌。
超聲波(ultrasonic vibration)20kHz~100kHz的高頻聲波對病原微生物具有1定的殺滅作用。其機(jī)制主要是高頻聲波通過液體時(shí),在應(yīng)力薄弱區(qū)產(chǎn)生許多直徑在10μm的小空腔,小空腔逐漸增大,最后爆裂而產(chǎn)生巨大壓力,爆裂時(shí)的壓力可達(dá)到1000個大氣壓,能破壞病原微生物的結(jié)構(gòu)而引起微生物死亡。超聲波殺滅病原微生物不徹底,但能明顯減少病原微生物的數(shù)量,可用于餐具消毒。目前主要應(yīng)用超聲波粉碎細(xì)胞,以提取細(xì)胞組分或制備抗原等。
(1)低溫(low temperature)

Disinfection and sterilization and biological safety
Microbes are easily affected by external conditions. If the environment is suitable, it can promote the growth and reproduction of microbes, and severe environmental changes can inhibit the growth of microbes and even die. As microorganisms exist widely in nature and some of them are pathogenic microbes, medical workers and related researchers must firmly establish aseptic concepts and strictly enforce aseptic operations from the perspective of preventing infection and avoiding laboratory microbial contamination. For example, medical devices, operation room and asepsis room should be properly disinfected or sterilized. In order to prevent the spread of disease, the excrement of infectious disease patients and laboratory waste culture should also be disinfected or sterilized. Sterilization and disinfection are very important basic operation techniques in clinical medicine and microbiology. Different methods are used and the effects are different. The following are the commonly used terms for disinfection and sterilization.
1. disinfection (disinfection) means the method of killing pathogenic microorganisms on or in the environment, but it does not necessarily kill bacterial spore or non pathogenic microbes, such as the disinfection of drinking water. The chemicals used for disinfection are called disinfectants (disinfectant).
2. sterilization (sterilization) means the method of killing or removing all microorganisms on an object, including all pathogenic microbes and non pathogenic microbes and bacterial spore. For example, normal saline for injection, surgical dressing and culture medium are needed after sterilization. It is generally preferred to sterilize the physical method.
3. antisepsis is the way to prevent or inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria in vitro. Bacteria usually do not die. For example, adding 0.01% of Salix in biological preparations can prevent the growth of heterozygous bacteria. The same chemicals are disinfectants at high concentrations, and can be used as preservatives at low concentrations. Antibiotics that inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria are called bacteriostasis, and these antibiotics are called bacteriostat. In vivo inhibition of bacterial multiplication can be used in vitro for bacteriostatic test to detect the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.
4. asepsis (asepsis) and aseptic operation (aseptic technique) asepsis means no live microorganisms, for the result of sterilization. The operation technology to prevent microorganisms from entering the body or contaminant is called aseptic operation. If bacteria need to be prevented from entering the wound during surgery, microbiological laboratory operations should pay attention to the prevention of microbial contamination and infection.
First section of physical sterilization and sterilization
Disinfection and sterilization methods are generally divided into two categories: physical and chemical methods. The main physical factors for disinfection and sterilization are heat, radiation, filtration, sterilization, ultrasonic, low temperature and drying.
1. Thermal sterilization
High temperature has obvious lethal effect on microorganism, which is mainly used for disinfection and sterilization by denaturing protein, destroying cell membrane and degrading nucleic acid. Thermal sterilization is divided into two major categories: dry heat sterilization and damp heat sterilization. At the same temperature, the effect of moisture and heat sterilization is better than dry heat sterilization. This is because: (1) the protein of microorganism is easier to solidify in damp heat; (2) the penetrating force of damp heat is larger than dry heat; (3) water from gaseous to liquid can release latent heat and can quickly raise the sterilized object. Temperature. Most of the non-spore bacteria were sensitive to humidity and heat. They died after 30-60 minutes at 55-60 C, and all the propagules and fungi could be killed after 5-10 minutes at 80 C. Bacterial spores are highly resistant to high temperature, such as Bacillus anthracis, which can endure boiling for 5 to 10 minutes, and Clostridium botulinum spores need boiling for 3 to 5 hours before they die.
(1) dry heat sterilization
The bactericidal effect of dry heat (dry heat) is to use the method of flame, hot air and electromagnetic wave to produce heat, so as to dehydrate and dry the microorganism, to oxidize the chemical components in the cell and to be denatured by the macromolecule.
1. burning and cautery (incineration and flaming) is a thorough sterilization. Discarded articles or infected animal carcasses can be ignited directly or incinerated in an incinerator. Cauterization methods for sterilizing rings, test tubes and bottle mouths in microbiology laboratory.
2. dry bake (hot air sterilization) is sterilized in a dry oven, generally heated to 160~170 degrees centigrade by 2 h. It is suitable for sterilization of non-deteriorating, non-destructive and non-evaporative articles at high temperatures, such as glassware, porcelain, glass syringes, etc.
3. Infrared (infrared) infrared is a kind of electromagnetic wave with wavelengths of 0.77-1000 micron. The thermal effect is strongest when the wavelengths are 1-10 micron. The bactericidal effect of infrared rays is similar to that of dry heat. The temperature and time required for sterilization by infrared oven is also similar to that of dry roasting. Since the thermal effect can only be generated on the surface of the irradiated surface, it can not uniformly heat the object. This method is used for sterilization of medical instruments.
(two) wet heat sterilization
1. pasteurization disinfection method (pasteurized disinfection method) uses lower temperature to kill pathogenic bacteria in liquid, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Brucella, and still maintain the disinfection method that the heat resistant components are not destroyed. This law was founded by Pasteur. The method is to heat up to 61.1 to 62.8 30min or 71.7 to 15 to 30s. It is mainly used for sterilizing milk.
2. boiling method (boiling water) at 1 atmospheric pressure, the boiling temperature of water is 100 degrees C, 5min can kill all the bacterial propagating body, and the bacterial bud is 1~2 h, and the bud of individual bacteria is 5 h to kill. If 2% sodium carbonate is added to the water, the boiling point temperature can be raised to 105 C, which can not only shorten the boiling time, but also prevent the metal vessels from rusting. The boiling method can be used for disinfection of tableware and metal utensils, and the time should be at least 10min. The boiling method is not suitable for use in high altitude areas.
3. Free-flowing steam, also known as atmospheric steam sterilization, is used to sterilize water vapor produced by boiling water at an atmospheric pressure. The bacterial propagule was killed at 100 C 15~30 min, but it was not easy to kill spores. The common appliance of this method is Arnold sterilizer, and the steamer in our country has the same principle. It can be used for sterilizing general surgical instruments, syringes, food utensils and some non high heat resistant items.
5. Fractional sterilization uses intermittent heating of repeatedly flowing steam to achieve the purpose of sterilization. The method is to put the sterilized items in the Arnold sterilizer or steamer to kill the reproductive body after 100 C 15 ~ 30min and take out the incubator at 37 degrees C for the night after taking out the incubator to make the remaining bud develop into a reproduction body, and then steamed again the next day, so that the sterile fruit can be achieved. This method can be applied to some medium which contains high sugar and milk.
5. high pressure steam sterilization (autoclaving steralization) is one of the most effective and commonly used sterilization methods. The principle is to use a closed sterilizer to increase the pressure to 103.4kPa or 1.05kg/cm 2. The boiling point of water reaches 121.3 degrees C and 15 ~ 20min can be maintained to kill all microbes, including bacterial spore. It is often used for sterilization of high temperature and humidity resistant substances, such as bacterial culture medium, glassware, physiological saline, surgical dressing, etc.
Two. Radiation sterilization
(1) ultraviolet (ultraviolet radiation, UV)
UV wavelengths are 10 to 400nm, and ultraviolet (including ultraviolet rays in sunlight) of 240 ~ 280nm have bactericidal effect. The bactericidal effect of 265 ~ 266nm is the strongest, which is in accordance with the absorption spectrum of DNA. The bactericidal mechanism of ultraviolet radiation is DNA, which covalently combines two adjacent thymine on a DNA chain to form a two polymer, which interferes with the transcriptional replication of DNA and then affects the protein synthesis and causes the microbial death. UV light penetration is weak, ordinary glass, paper, dust, water vapor and so on can block UV. It is suitable for disinfection and sterilization of air and surface, such as asepsis room, operation room, burn ward, infection ward, cell culture room air disinfection and surface disinfection of heat resistant articles. Ultraviolet rays at sterilization wavelength can damage human skin and eyes, and can induce skin cancer.
(two) ionizing radiation (ionizing radiation)
Ionizing radiation has high energy and strong penetrating power, including X rays, gamma rays and high speed electrons. At sufficient doses, they are lethal to all kinds of bacteria. The mechanism is that ionizing radiation can produce large amounts of free radicals in an instant, destroy DNA and damage cell membrane. Ionizing radiation is often used to disinfect a large number of disposable medical plastic products and biological products. It can also be used to disinfect food without destroying its nutrients.
(three) microwave (microwave)
Microwave is a kind of ultra high frequency electromagnetic wave with wavelengths of 1mm to 1m. The mechanism is that high frequency electric field is used to produce high frequency electromagnetic field, which causes intense molecular motion to produce heat, which makes microorganism protein denatured and solidified. Microwave can penetrate glass, plastic film and ceramics, but it can not penetrate the surface of metal, and it can be used for disinfection of laboratory articles, food utensils, medicine cups and other articles. 2 450MHz and 915MHz two kinds of microwave ovens are used in common use. Microwave is harmful to human body. It should reduce the number of microwave oven approaching to work.
Three, filtrating bacteria removing method
Filtering is a method of removing bacteria from liquid or air by physical retention to achieve sterility. The apparatus used is filter. The filter has a number of tiny holes, which only allow liquid or gas to pass through, and the particles, which are larger than the aperture, are blocked on the top of the sieve plate or filter membrane. This method is mainly used for sterilization of heat-resistant serum, toxin, antibiotics, cell culture medium and filtration of air in super-clean worktable. There are four kinds of bacteria filters commonly used at present.
The 1. glass filter (glass filter) is made of glass funnel embedded in glass sand sieve plate, divided into G 1 -G 66 types, G 1 -G 4 aperture large, used for filtrating liquid, G 5 and G 6 for degrading bacteria. G 6 is more thorough than G 5, but mycoplasma and L type bacteria still have the possibility of passing.
2. asbestos filter (asbestos filter) is also known as Seitz filter. It is composed of three parts, the upper part is the metal cylinder, the lower is the metal tray and the funnel, the metal cylinder in the upper part is used to fill the liquid which needs to filter the bacteria, the lower metal tray and the funnel are used for the filtrated liquid, and the upper and lower two parts of the asbestos filter plate are placed in 3 kinds according to the pore size of the asbestos filter plate, K, EK and EK-S. The K-type filter is the largest for clarifying liquids; the EK filter is smaller for filtering and sterilization; and the EK-S filter is smaller for preventing the passage of larger viruses.
3. membrane filter filters the nitrocellulose film with different apertures at the bottom of the filter. Membrane filters have different capacities and different aperture specifications, of which microneedle filters are commonly used in laboratories, mainly for the sterilization of small doses of liquid.
4. the high efficiency air particle filter (high efficiency particulate air filter, HEPA filter) is a large filter, which uses air compressor to produce a certain pressure air flow, through a certain aperture of the filter plate to remove the particles less than 0.3 mu in the air. Such as hospital operation room, burn ward, sterile preparation room and ultra clean workbench sterilization.
Four. Ultrasonic sterilization
The high frequency sound wave (ultrasonic vibration) 20kHz ~ 100kHz has certain killing effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The mechanism is that when the high frequency sound waves pass through the liquid, many small cavity with 10 m diameter are produced in the weak stress area. The small cavity increases gradually, and the pressure can be burst at the end. The pressure of the burst can reach 1000 atmospheric pressure, which can destroy the structure of the pathogenic microorganism and lead to the death of the microorganism. Ultrasound can kill the pathogenic microorganism thoroughly, but it can obviously reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms, and can be used for tableware disinfection. At present, ultrasound is used to crush cells to extract cell components or prepare antigens.
Five. Other methods of physical bacteriostasis or bacteriostasis
Low temperature, high permeability and drying also have certain bacteriostatic or bactericidal effects.
(1) low temperature (low temperature)
Hypothermia can reduce the metabolism of pathogenic microorganisms and inhibit their growth and reproduction. Not only can not kill pathogenic microorganisms, but also conducive to the long-term survival of pathogenic microorganisms, so the use of cryopreservation of pathogenic microorganisms. Food and medicines stored at low temperatures are not likely to deteriorate. Repeated freezing and thawing at low temperature can significantly reduce the number of bacteria and thus have certain disinfection and sterilization effects. Because the water inside the bacteria forms crystals during freezing, it can damage the cell structure, destroy the glial state of the cells, and produce expansion, leading to bacterial disintegration. This principle is used to prepare soluble antigens of bacteria.
(two) drying (desiccation)
Drying can cause pathogenic microorganisms to dehydrate, concentrate, slow down metabolism, or even cause death. Different pathogens have different tolerance to dry environment, such as Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, pallid Treponema, and influenza virus, while Mycobacterium tuberculosis, hemolytic streptococcus, Bacillus anthracis, fungi, hepatitis B virus and so on have certain resistance to drying. The drying method is mainly used to preserve food and prevent food deterioration.
(three) freeze vacuum drying (lyophilization)
The freezing vacuum drying method is used to remove the moisture in the bacteria under the condition of low temperature. It can not only dehydrate the pathogenic microorganism and slow down the metabolism, but also avoid the damage of the water crystallization of the bacteria to the bacteria during the freezing. It is the best way to preserve bacteria at present. It can preserve microorganisms for several decades to decades.